my bookshelf - books I love - creative entrepreneur - seattle wedding photographer

I have never been huge on reading but this past year, I have come across some books from others who have suggested them and as I read those, I have built a little collection over time. Now, I am excited to have a book I am reading, I don't get through them very quickly, but worked into my Miracle Morning is reading and I try and always read a few pages at least every morning. I think it is important to start a morning off without looking at a screen, since most of the time My work days consist of doing things on the computer, and let's not mention the social media scroll. :)

Below is a list of my fav books, they have all helped me in one way or another and a lot have given me optimism, hope and enjoyment! I have read some for a second time, or plan to read them a 2nd time too A lot are "self-help/motivation" based books and I have really enjoyed finding what is really important to me, my family and my business while I read these:

'You are a badass' by Jen Sincero

'The Subtle Art of not giving a f*ck' Mark Manson

'The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs' Hal Elrod & Cameron Herold

'The 5 love languages' Chapman

Current reads:

'Big Magic' Elizabeth Gilbert

'Love that Lasts' Jefferson & Alyssa Bethke

Up next:

'the furious longing of God' Manning

'Present over Perfect' Shauna Niequist

'The Broken Way' Ann Voskamp

reread 'the subtle art of not giving a f*ck' and finish 'eat, pray, love' ( i started a long time ago and never finished)

I am hoping to block in some more reading time in my day and would love to get these all checked off my list before summer! If you have suggestions for other books, I would LOVE to hear them! Comment with your fav books!

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